Sunday, October 11, 2015

Art Show

It has only been one year since I began thinking of myself as an artist of worth; that my creations are purchasable. It took many years for me to move into this mindset but since I made the mental shift things have really taken off. As of October 1st, a selection of my work is being sold on consignment in a retail space for the second time. I couldn't be more proud.

The lesson here is one that you've probably heard many times before, best said by mythologist and author Joseph Campbell: "Follow your bliss." When you chase after the joy in your heart, you are truly answering your calling.

C. L. Kay Artshow Flyer
Rad flyer I designed for the show.

C. L. Kay Art Show Display
This is the opening layout for the showing.
Hopefully, there will be space for more pieces soon!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Quotes IX | Original Artwork by C. L. Kay | Creativity Takes Courage Matisse Quote

Just For Fun IV

This is my first attempt using oil pastels--a medium that lies somewhere between crayon and oil paint. They can be light and sketchy or dense and blended based on how much you layer them. I found that a lighter touch is better to prevent the colors becoming muddy. | Original Artwork by C. L. Kay | Lemon Oil Pastel
Lemon | Original Artwork by C. L. Kay | Baby Gala Apple Oil Pastel
Baby Gala Apple

Monday, April 27, 2015

Paint Doodles

I love to zen doodle for fun and relaxation. For those unfamiliar, a zen doodle (or Zentangle or tangle art) is a meditative form of sketching that relies on repeated, connected, and overlapping lines and shapes. As the name suggests, the process is quite relaxing. It aids the brain in slowing down alpha-wave activity while remaining alert. Simply put, zen doodling puts you in "the zone." I think of it as similar--albeit far less impressive-- to Buddhist Monks pouring sand mandalas. | Original Artwork by C. L. Kay | Zen Doodle | Open Words
One of my zen doodles. "Open Words" | Original Artwork by C. L. Kay | Zen Doodle | Trip Tree
Another zen doodle of mine. "The Trip Tree."
Recently I thought it would be fun to apply such techniques to painting. All of the art I create is intended to be a relaxing creative outlet for me. Most of what I do is intuitive and rarely planned so this recent adventure has really clicked. Below is a step by step account of my first crack at what I call "Paint Doodles." | Original Artwork by C. L. Kay | Purple Paint Doodle Step One
I first laid down a purple base color created from a mix of hues on a 10x8 stretched canvas. | Original Artwork by C. L. Kay | Purple Paint Doodle Step 2
The second step was to add some contrasting colors that I textured into interesting spreads. I used a vibrant green and metallic gold for some extra dimension.
dreamwings art. | Original Artwork by C. L. Kay | Purple Paint Doodle Step 3
Next I used a watered-down purple-black to create inky lines around the color spreads. | Original Artwork by C. L. Kay | Purple Paint Doodle Step 4 Final
Last, I filled in all of the outlines with electric yellow for contrast and a funky yet organic vibe. | Original Artwork by C. L. Kay | Purple Paint Doodle Step 4 Final Side View
I even took the design around the sides of the canvas which gives it the appearance of being wrapped in fabric
I've since done four more of these with different palettes and overall designs. Soon they will all be up for display and purchase at  DreamwingsArt on Etsy.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Ebbing Tide

Hi everyone,

Don't worry--I've not taken off into the stars. My focus has shifted to writing while I prepare my first novel for self-publishing.

Once the ebbing tide begins to flow again, I'll post all about my artful antics. In the mean time, I've posted a few new items up for sale on Etsy. I'd love it if you checked them out.